Welcome to our AS media coursework blog

In our group there is Becky Wholley (featured left) and me, Hannah Ferreira. We are producing a 2 minute film opening of the horror genre. The Film title is Sleep Tight.
My YouTube account is:
Becky's YouTube account is: http://www.youtube.com/user/88Beckyjo

Saturday 15 January 2011

My media coursework pitch

Even though this was my pitch, I decided to go along with the idea of Becky's pitch as the slasher genre was more do-able. However  elements of my coursework pitch were integrated into our final 2 minute opening idea. These were, the flashes of photo inserts and the theme of the pictures being as if it is evidence photographs.

1 comment:

  1. avoid simply posting a video without SOME info! perhaps you've already posted on this, but how did it go, what sort of feedback did you get from classmates, is this the idea you're now working on etc
    a brief written rundown of the pitch is always useful


please make sure your comments appropriate!